
No more, no more. I could even face him now. :)
Never assume how people think about you, it might be wrong.

Morning woke up at 11 and im suppose to meet lewis at 11.
So in the end i didnt manage to meet lewis first.
THOUGHT of meeting andre earlier at around 12+
because he has a presentation in school at NP.
SOOOOOOOOO, i waited for him to end at home!.

But when i texted him he told me he`s reaching tampines.
OMG. i swear i havnt been so pissed at andre before.
He told me he already text me when he finished his presentation but but but i think i didnt recieve it. LOL. and he called lewis to call me.
Like why the hell cant he call me himself.
Am i that scary?
But he explained is because he was afraid i think he`s irritating.
And thought i didnt wanna reply his sms.
So yeah. I heard the explaination at a later time so i pout all the way to eunos,
To meet lewis. :(

We went to have their hair cut. And i decided to back out after much consideration.
So after everything lewis had to go TP for his test. me and andre waited for him at the kfc, saw clemence and some others. Then later on we walked andre back to his hse and went up to danny`s hse. Met my friend and we chatted for awhile before he had to go.HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Slacked around tampines mall with danny and lewis and went to look for andre at his work place. :) He`s working hard as usual haha! Went home after that hahha. TOOK ALOT OF PICS LEH! :p

Here goes.

TEEHEE, i love my 3 LITTLE PIGS.
And the lovely people that walked beside my life.
The ones who know what is best for them and loving is a gift.


Ohh, side track.
Mom saw this bracelet that once belonged to someone, which was given to him by his mom. So mom told me to return it to him. I didnt want to because its like, for what? but she mentioned its his mom`s not his. so yeah. But since he did not respond to me on msn. I dont know what to do with it. =.= Well i`ll just leave it rotting till the owner`s mom wants it back. :)


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