Hurt at first, a little bit.
But now i know, I`m so over, So over it.

Messy talked to me . :)
Did i mention he webcamed with me? LOL.
That was saturday when we did that.
But i was too lazy to mention about it and im tired.
Click to see his and my LJ face. :P
1 of the pic i spastic la. So bo bian :)

Okay. Hmmm...We kept laughing at each other. I dunno why too.
Too bad tin cant webcam or i`ll talk to him too. LOL.
14aug faster come la :P
Whole day i also dont remember what i was doing.
Sleep eat and rot.
And on the phone :)

Monday. Lets see.
I dont really remember what i did today too!
Lewis is going batam on sat. And danny is going to go to pak tuo with his amenda darling. That leaves me and andre.
We plan to watch money not enough this sat :)
Then walk around vivo.
Hmm hmm... I wonder where would the fireworks be?
OMIGOSH. i cant find my red top. So annoying.
Andre has his outfit planned already HAHAHA! :)
we are both wearing white skinnies and red top.
So into the mood aint we?

Messy boy is like out today and i dunno where he`s going.
Justin disappears like that .
3 pigs are going to study at tamp.
Darn, why didnt i stay at tamp. :(
Edwin is coming with us to cut our hair tmr.
I want to cut short. I dont know if i should. Grrr. :)

Hmm. dont ask me why i dont show my archives. :)
Maybe i`ll open 3 posts 1 time.
Thats, maybe :)


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