Never enough.

Its the big twos. Its the big twos.

They always say that teen hood passes like flowers wither, the fun curled up into space and it is when people start leaving your door. There are somethings we dont look back, not because our hearts tell us not to, but we choose not. Prevention of an heartache is better than the pain of a memory. Much less or so we humans tend to peep at our sorry past just to make ourselves feel more miserable than we can ever thought we might feel. You'll be surprised how you're still affected even though you thought you wont feel this way. Likewise, people know they are going to feel that way if they break their own determination but they still go along with it. Its like, people cannot be too happy at once. Humans will then look for something to be unhappy about, to make life seem

In life, shit happens.
But we seem to appreciate it somehow.


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