Monday , 13/12/10

Hello, Halo, Hello, Halo, Hello!

Mad busy day in school today!

Creative concepts module for class today!
We had to bask for signatures around campus. It was suppose to be a team work, but our class decided to do it together. We did the song Halo/Walking on sunshine cover by glee! Mad fun! Performed a number of times before reaching up to 250 unique signatures. Good job W16N! Ended class really early and changed up for SA's photoshoot! Had soooo much fun taking photos!

Sunday , 12/12/10

Happy 7th months monstar! :) Hehehehe!
Went over to my grandmother's place for lunch! (She cooked all my favourite food!) Went to walk around after so! Baby bought me a lipstick from etude house! (I choose one la hahahaha) We watched Rapunzel. Super nice! One of the nicest disney princess films ever created! Go and watch it! Went to have KFC for dinner! (The damnz awesomez pepperz chickenz!) It was so spicy!!! I really enjoyed the day! Thank you my smelly fatty baby MONSTAR!

Saturday , 11/12/10


Friday, 10/12/10
Media Writing!!!!!!!! P's dialogue with the student union(SC) today!! LOOOL. Its all gonna be on camera! So exciting! The video will be posted to RP's website and facebook in January addressing all the issues and concerns over safety in rp, shuttle bus, so on and so far! Watch the video okay!!!!

Thursday, 09/12/10
Was a long and slow day today (Zzz) Was suppose to go for SA's workshop etiquette but i had to leave for Open house registration. Went to the Open House Registration as i was in charge of the guides. Have to register the peeps who are interested to be RP's open house guides and then sort out the schedule! HECTIC year ahead 2011!!!


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