Tuesday, Cognitive UT.
Late for school, why? Because the sky is so high! I slept alot the day before as i was sick, but i still feel extremely tired. Must be the medicine. Anyway, for UT, I did it on paper again. I seem to do all cognitive UTs on paper ^_^ I dont think it will affect how my results turn out, would it? :P But hey, i did alot of careless mistakes and there goes my A. Sigh x 1000. Gonna go job hunting tomorrow, wish me luck! :) Would love to have a change of blogskin. I was trying out tumblr the past few days, and i love the pictures, but i hate how i couldnt blog daily with it. So, blogger for life 1314,3344,1234. :P If you know what i mean! Its fine, i hope my new skin arrives soon! We should all have new skins for new year! :) And new masks. ^_^


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