One love, One heart, One life for sure.

(Kelly is webcamming Sean. No wonder so happy)

Wednesday - Dinner with CCC-Clique aka CCCC, Bryan Christian Marion @ Swensens!
Thursday - Ate KFC after school and then went home. Had the best CCCC Mass conversation ever @ MSN.

ERRRR : Hi guys! I know i haven't really been "BLOGGING" recently. Trust me, school was tiring as hell. I do my RJs like last minute recently. Ohh! And... i learnt that, we need to sleep at any given opportunity! I feel like a zombie the past few days due to lack of rest. Like seriously! Anyway, school's been good. My classmates are seriously bonding really quickly. Everyone's gonna wear the RP shirt on Monday! (Well, they better do!!!) & We all added "Wedgie" in our Facebook name! HAHAHAHA Its an inside joke so yeah!!! :P Kelly hahahah! Anyway i was reading a post Kelly wrote and i was really touched. I know its a little too early to say this, but i love my class and i cannot expect all of them to be flawless. We accept each other for our flaws and personalities. & Thats how its gonna be for the next remaining 12 weeks.

Today's module was science and i kinda screwed it up. Oh well. I hope the following weeks would turn for the better! Rushed over to the InVogue IG with 8 other classmates after school to attend the welcome tea :P It was kinda interesting, with the things we can learn and the skills we can obtain, so yes, Im officially announcing im joining Student Ambassador and InVogue IG. Sorry tennis and cheer-leading bahahaha! Went to the library to look for S and Bryan before heading for Aunty and Meimei at AMK for dinner @ Mac. Came to know that the purpose of going was totally nothing as the person lost my card :( Sad diez. Now i cannot have my collection. Anyway, went home and yeah here i am, lethargic like a dog and finished my Science RJ!

Lets start believing.


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