Thoughts of due.

Many times we all find that little speck of happiness and think that its is going to stay for the lifetime. Perhaps having that little hope may be like an adrenaline to drive us further, but has anyone think about the thousand ways how it could turn into a disaster? Humans are not greedy by nature. But by believing and expecting more, their heart tends to want more, which leads to many disappointments and so much sorrow eating into our head.

Shit happens.

And when it does, not only do we stopped believing, we stop wanting. We then start to avoid whatever that could risk our joy. We were afraid. Just like little kids fearful of fairytale monsters and bad dreams with dragons with witches and fearful fighters. Because of that fear, our limit to how much we open ourselves to believe and eventually fade off with hope.

We all go through tears once in awhile in our life,
the question is not really why we should go through all these pain,
but if its worth it.


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