Ha ha!

Cognitive Skills Team 3!
(Without Sean)

Hey! :)

School was pretty amazing today!
I kinda liked the module as the faci was interesting and fun!
We did some brainstorming and finally did up a PPT and our group own!
Okay la not really, all the groups are really good!!
I just wanna make myself feel better by saying we own :( Sighh HAHAHAHA.
But good job all of you!!! :)

Was really busy today and the team work was fantastic today.
All crowd around me as im the scribe and just keep throwing ideas and questions.
Had little debates among ourselves and made assumptions and various solutions.
I really think we had are awesome together man! :) 3 cheers for team 3!

Did my RJ in class before heading to CWP to eat dinner at pastamania!
Went home after that!

Dead tired like dog LOOOOL. Boomz.


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