Which side are you on?

We all make mistakes almost all the time and that is going to go on for the rest of our lives. Decision making plays a strong role towards the possibility of committing a mistake. Most of the time people follow their heart over the mind, thus causing all problems to surface. Although the mind is powerful, it never beats how much we feel with the heart. The mind controls how you think, but the heart controls what to think about. We all face life questions once in awhile and that is when we were stuck between choices.

Everyone has regrets. We all have a time when we felt that we shouldn't do something in the first place, or shouldn't agree to something so irrationally. When decision made, never regret because there is no time to do so. Why regret when we can spend the time regretting making new commitments and choices, amending our mistakes.

Would you rather commit a mistake but to follow your heart,
or save the sin but follow your mind.

There is always a time we pick sides.


I promise to blog properly tomorrow.

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.


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