Love Calculator.
You're finally 18! Try not to party so hard and concentrate on your O lvls this year!
I love you i love you and i thank god to let me meet you!
Stay happy and try not to fall in love so easily next time!
But if you need me, holla my cell! Love you! Enjoy your birthday!
Woke up with headache and fever plus bad tummy.
No its not the runs nor the cramps, it just keep hurting really badly.
I forgot which ass commented that maybe i have stomach cancer. Wtf.
Anyway, was suppose to go ECP to meet Charisse and Ann they all.
To celebrate Ann's birthday i think!!! Roller blading!
i decided not to go because i scared i pass my sickness to them sia.
So i became a good girl and stayed home, reading books.
When i meant books, not educational books. Story books. :P

Today, while chatting with Jaime on MSN, we talking about love calculator. The primary school game everyone tried before. Its still up, But of course, i doubt it works because long long time ago i tried my name with my crush and got like 90+% in the end also never contact already LOL. So yeah we were talking how much we LOVEEEEEE each other and decided to see if we were a potential pair. Too bad for us, we only scored 47%, which is a D7 lolz.
And readers who are wondering who Jaime is, she's the girl i've been friends with since Orientation day 1.
1st picture we took! At the balloon game booth!
Oh just a side track, dont worry we are not lesbians :P
Just same course, same clique, same block and same floor!
And coincidentally, her class room was allocated right opposite mine HAHAHA.
You say heng or not? :P
Blah, gonna take meds before watching 90210!
Pray that i get well before school starts tomorrow!
I cant get you out of my head.
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