1st day of orientation in RP.

extremely wordy post


1st day of orientation was good!

The day before the orientation i woke up at about 10pm, thanks to andy's call.
Didnt sleep throughout and was talking to liangjie on msn, persuading him to come for the orientation too! But that ass kinda went offline when i went to shower and say he's not going. Zzz. I left my house at 7.45, reached the MRT station at 7,55, and boarded the train exactly at 8am. Reached woodlands at 8.35, and i had to wait for andy and i was ALONE. I was so annoyed because andy was LATE, and not just late, its LATE LATE LATE. So i just stood there like a dog waiting for andy to appear, at 8.50, Liang jie called. He asked me where i was and ask me go find him LOLZX. Ass, still bluff me say not going... Went to look for him and almost walked to school together until andy called saying he finally Finally FINALLY reached, and it was already 9.10. We were late. So we walked to school together and went to our respective schools, Liang jie was in engineering, Andy in IT and im in Communications. So we all split ways since we step into school. Lmao, meet also like for nothing ah, HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, i went to my school and was in team 1. Talked to a couple of people and made a couple of friends (OK BARELY) I feel kinda left out sia... The people there went for the PRE orientation camp last thursday so they kinda met before the 1st day of orientation. But thankfully there are people who didnt attend the pre orientation as well.. So we talk talk, become friends..

Ok let me try to remember the boring parts...

1st game we played was actually intruder chair game or something...

2nd game was "say what?" Its like you only can act out the given word or place.. and we try to guess it. Not so bad..

3rd was the treasure hunt game... in the library.. Lmao sia. Have to go hunt the required stuff or something... Sicko loh, the library is HUGE... so we kinda failed that game LOL.

4th was some spelling game. We owned it! :) Go go comm kids!

5th was pictionary, also full points!

6th was dont forget the lyrics.. Damn hard, the songs all oldie dog songs no one listen to.

this is our lunch provided by the school!
Hungry like dog already, so just heck care and eat LOL.

Accompany liang jie out of the school cause he wanna smoke zz went back after.

7th was balloon game.. LMAO, ITS LAME LIKE DOG AND MADE MY KNEES HURT LIKE HELL! HAHAHAHA but everyone had a good laugh la!! Edwiana's boyfriend friend was in charge of the booth. i got a feeling he purposely bully us de loh HAHAHAHA. No la, he's quite nice, GIVE US FULL POINTS LEHHH HAHAHAH!! (But must cheer tsk tsk)

8th was some shape forming with a rope. Did it, and conquered it well!
Bryan and Christian, HIS NAME IS SO CUTE RIGHT? Christian LOL. ;D

9th was guess the picture word or something. Like the word "in" is written inside the "out" it means inside out. Kinda game? LOL quite cute ah. Saw terence there too LOL. O.O He was someone's in charge or something la.

10th was some pharmacy game LOL WE SUCK AT IT SERIOUSLY. Its some booth by science course one and we have NO IDEA HAHAHA LOLZ FAIL.

11th was verbal and non verbal guessing of words... Something like acting out the words u wanna say again. But its movies this time HAHAHAHA...

12th was GUESS WHICH MOVIE the tagline is from. We did pretty good LOL.

13th was some "guess the chim word meaning" LOL. we get full!! so clever la we HAHAHA LOL.

14th was make a story out of words... Lol. Saw terence girlfriend hosting the game...

Anyway i think thats all... might be more games i forgot we played.. Lol.

Had a great day today!! After release me and jamie went to the engineering school and joined in the super big hall gathering. So many people sia... Joined liang jie class and played around with his engineering "flag" HAHAHAHA. but left to get him subway since he say he hungry zzz. Yong yee came to pick us up, jamie tagged along so we can drop her at bugis. But we went sengkang first to collect my laptop and then dropped jamie down at bugis and had a hard time making our way in town end up eating astons LOL. Waited half an hour okay!!! Sickkk!!! But yeah we had fun catching up the whole of today.

When i got home, i bombed to sleep right after i showered, with my hair wet.

PS : Liang jie made a friend today woOoooo!!


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