Its just the beginning.

As usual!
Met up with BFFs after putting them aeroplane so many times..
My bad!! :D

Have been really really busy this week, orientation and stuff.
Everytime when i get home i will boomz on the bed like right after im done showering.

So restless.

Friday night was awesome! I enjoyed it very very much!
We took over 150 photos using my lappy but majority is kinda blur lah.
So yeah! Did abit of catching up! (Its not like we havnt seen each other for very long)

School life has officially started.
8.30am to 3.30pm everyday, + RJ in school 30mins. So 4pm.

E37L is kinda nice, maybe not warmed up entirely yet but still...
When i think about the mini projects everyday (Presentation and PPT)
I feel so stress, dont know why too. Zzz.
I need to meet Jolene, Crystal, Edwin, Clara, Cassy, Karen, Charisse, SZ + many more soon!
Find time, find time!! :(

I cant believe you're affecting me so much.
Whats wrong with me?


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