Just another cent.

Hello faithful readers/ blog hoppers / stalkers / haters / whoever.
My blog has been opened since i was 14. And its been a nice 5 years now.
Same URL, same blogger. (Yes, im 19 this year)
& Thank you for reading on!

First off, I want to apologize to Denise Neo for not attending her birthday because i had something to attend to and i was busy.

I have haters, and of course, i got a bunch of lovely readers too.
The reason why i didnt want to put up a tagboard because i do not see a point in people commenting about what i blogged, or make people tag my blog to prove they go to my blog.
Not forgetting the annoying haters i have. (Trust me, i have ALOT of nameless ones)

If you have been reading since long ago,
perhaps you would know i've been through alot these few years.

Many times i blogged about my life, about the things i did for the day.
Blogged about the happy and sad times i went through.
Blogged about the boyfriends i had, how happy or sad i was with them.
Sometimes, i blog funny things that made you smile.
But, at times you cry along with me because you can feel my pain.
Not forgetting, getting irritated by me because of the thousands of pictures i post.

Haters read my blog to see how miserable my life is, and feel happy about it.
Its fine, because this blog is public anyway.
I've never wanted to make it big in the blogging industry,
never thought of, because blogging is something i do to keep track of my life,
so 10 years down the road,
i read every post and laugh to myself, thinking how silly i was back then.

Even now, i look back at what i contributed in my past relationship scares me.
But alas, we all laugh at the end, and now look who's happier? We can never compare love.

But people always compare how happy you were compared to your ex bf/gf.
Im glad im happier than all the bastards that broke my little heart in two LOL. :)
Trust me, i only meant the ones i hate HAHAHA.
(Psst : & More successful than their current love and ex-es too.)

People always expect something out of their league. Further than they know just because they think their standards are up for an elite mention, little did they know even the worst wouldn't grace them. Sad, i know. People are made that way whereby they always want the best for themselves, not thinking that there are so many others thinking the same way, perhaps even better than the average people are. Annoying as it seems, alot has been on my mind lately, i need to get a job because im poor, i need to study hard and get into the top few positions because im desperate for a slot in the local University, i need to make a mark, not for anyone but for myself.

Awkward as it seems, i seem to start getting sick of human interaction, its boring me, everything is. I dont know why but im losing touch of myself and what i used to be. Im just so tired of everything, its wearing me out. Sometimes i just want to stop going out and stay at home for the rest of the day just because i felt like it. Im sick of going out, so sick of hanging out and entertaining the group most of the time. I've so much to say to my friends, so much i want to do. But im mentally tired. Perhaps too tired to even make an effort anymore. Maybe when i gain back my strength, my friends wont be there to hear me say sorry and come back to me anymore. No one is able to tolerate someone who doesn't put in effort in a friendship/relationship. I don't blame my friends for that if they decided to leave me when i decided to take a rest from my social circle.

Too Drained.


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