
Back from school and i cant resist blogging.
Somehow i`m kinda addicted to it.
Well, the craze was not that bad until many things happened in my life.
I i need to write it down before time erases it away.

School was very boring as usual,
except i had to go through exams.

I slept at 3 going 4 last night.
Was damn shag in school.

The first paper was Chinese paper 1,
Consisted of letter writting and a compo.

Very limited topics for compo.
I wrote as fast as i could to prevent me of having the thought of going to sleep.

I did my compo first in 30mins with many holes in lines.
which also means i didn`t know how to write the words.
And spent my another 30mins filling up the words in the holes.
With the help of the dictionary. Duh =x

I did my letter writing quickly as i was starting to doze off.
I finally finished filling up the holes just 10mins before the time dues.

I lay my head on the table and... Plop. i fell into dream land. LOL.

Omg its weird how i can dream so much in 10mins.
It`s very vivid in my mind.
Maybe it`s because i missed that person alot.
Oh well. :)

I was awaken by my form teacher pulling the exam sheets from my table.
I went back to sleep ignoring the surrounding.
I woke up again after 2 mins to bring my file in and continued sleeping lol.
It was lunch time =/
I slept throughout and when i woke up,
My friend calmly told me...
The paper starting already. :)

I was like omg? Dint tell me earlier.
Everyone had their bags outside except me T.T
I`ll rather give up food for sleep.
So tired. T_T

Then come the killer paper,
POA Muiltiple Choices, 30 questions.

I tried to answer most of them but end up guessing the answers out.
I`m losing my patience.
I need to sleep!
Further more. The rain is so.... TEMPTING.

I somehow. Got so pissed that i shade the answer that i like and go to sleep.
For 30mins i get to sleep. Arhh... Relieve.

School released EARLY.
And me and fm and the rest went to the shop nearby to get icecreams.
I bought the lime+apple Jelly ice cream.
3 words.
It`s nice , not.

Lol and i realised im quite ignorence recently.
When someone talks to me, i somesort of ignored it.
They would repeat and say that their talking to me and i will go like.
Oh? I choose not to reply. LOL.

Ok la im not that mean, just that because im eating ice cream and yo kept asking me many questions LOL.

I went home as usual sitting on the 40mins train ride,
and my heavy eye lids acting against gravity.
Torture alright!
But i didn`t like to sleep on the train so i read my book i brought along to kill boredem.

Im home now, slacking like crazy and thinking what to do next.
No one`s really free for me. All busy busy and busy!

Sheesh. I`ll update more tonight. Meanwhile. let me search for food. ^^


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