About me

To be frank about myself.
I live in a world that has no tears.
Just joy and fun.
A world everyone wanted to be in.

Having boyfriends are common in my age.
And going with them without any feeling is like common all over my years.
I had loved them before but i guess i took them for granted and got sick of them
Leaving me no choice but to end the relationship.

When one ended i tend to have the
"come on its just a break up. why the big deal?"
thought. But a friend of mine made me change my mind.

Every breakup made me feel like i cant face the person.
It`s because i feel guilty .
Most of my ex`s are no longer friends with me.
And those who manage to stay friends with are no longer that close.
In my 8 exes, only one of them i am very close with.

I can confide in him in anything and he will make me feel happy.
He was the one that was the longest with me.
But the duration is only 2 months +
Although the time we spent togetheir is short.

He was great and cute.
I ever asked myself why even breakup with him.
I couldn`t find the right answer.
He was almost perfect.
Just that i took him for granted.

He`s a year older than me.
Taking his O`s.
I remember being with him makes me feel good.
Even now, when we go out as a group,
i feel the same with him.

The good friend feeling.
We didn`t feel awkward about what we did when we were togetheir.
I regret playing maple which make me neglet him so badly.
And i got irritated by him calling me when i was training.

I guess im the one to blame.
But now i`m very good friends with him and he`s always there for me.
Maybe one day.
We`ll be togetheir.
And i`ll treasure him for all my experiences taught me how it feels to be hurt.


I really thank my friend for making me realise what i have been missing in my relationships.
And you taught me how to treasure those around me.
Made me grow up.
I hereby wish you all the best and get someone that could give you the feeling you wanted.
Someone you really loved and could make you change.
Because i cant .

So your choice is right.
i`ll get over you. dont worry. :)


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