

Woke up like 3+ today.
Did not have lunch with mich because i was too tired.
Sorry michy T.T
Monday we go have lunch bah! =P

Auditioned all the way to 8.30.
Eyes hurt alot. Totally need a rest. >.<

Was playing with darling couple and finally broke my own record. hoho.


After a few hundred games of D4.
And darling leads at all games -.-
He finally lvled to 20.
Grats deary ^^

Then we all went NPC. =/
Darling helped me npc those 8k .

Gah. he keep suaning me cant npc la. T_T
Then say i only can 8k 50bpm and below.

Now rot on msn and rest my eyes.
Most prob eat again :P


i miss you so ;D


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