

Darling called today and i ask him for the PIN.
"i forgot"
Omg blur king sia. T.T
So in the end after all the hassle he didn`t register T.T

So went to school as usual~~
5 retained in our class.
All of them were like sad and they cried.
Dont get sad over it
Do better in future >.<

i need to speak for myself too.
(arh diana. work harder)
Its sad to think about not being in the same family .
Dont worry. You guys are still in my heart.

Peeesh :(

Went to hall and they gave us some crap talk.
About... LOL. nvm >.<
Involved people going up on stage to learn how to eat ice creams. =x

Went to meet up with weiliang and samantha at outrum.
Went shopping ^_^
Bought new skirt and new shirt.
Samantha got the same shirt as me, diff colour.
Weiliang just tagged along. >.<

After all those shopping i am declared bankrupt. LOL.
' so kua zhang '- samantha added.

Went home and watched tv...
slowly slowly.. i fell asleep LOL.
Woke up at about 6+ when darling smsed.
Meeting him at 8.

Took my time. And forgotten to reply =/
Smsed darling at 8 and he was like.
omg i thought u sleeping.

ARH! means he din prepare.
so i told him nvm gahhh! cancelled!
but later on he told me he take cab down ^_^
so sweeeet. LOL. ASN =X

Met up with darling and then wanted to hug him ar.
long time no see him >.<
but i .. SHY LOL. =X

Went to watch Silk.
Very interesting.
And. Funny LOL.
Must watch :):)

We bought 2 hotdog bun and ice lemon tea.
i ate half of my bun then gave darling mine.
He seems to be so hungry.

during the movie i was like.
omfg im so hungry. =/
The girl behind us damn cute la.
Kept screaming LOL.

Went to eat supper at outrum park.
Eat pak ku teh? =.=
Nice la.
i so hungry. HOHO :))))

Later on took pics. =/
Looks weird. Take better de then post! :)))

Darling promised to help me earn 300k =x
Xie xie le! ^^ muacks

Darling send me home after supper. <3
IMU baby. =D=D


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