
Happen to pop in online!

My geo paper was O.K.
But i think i really suffer for math.
Daddy said he would teach me but he didn`t?!
Sheesh! u make me cry T-T

I went home and watched goong.

i`ll never cling on to impossible stuff anymore.
No point.
I`ll just let it go. Slowly haha.
Anyway, today was pretty slacky.

Kinda played auditio for the whole day.
Finally stopped just now.

Haha btw tock`s going on a "vacation"
for 7 weeks. Good luck yeah.
we`ll all miss you.

Talked to mich and told her about this bbq thingy tock planned.
Yup. weds. i think i had marking day, so no school O.o

Changed my pass but many PRO hackers manage to hack into it! wahhaa.
Just so lucky i didn`t publish my drafts and let u all laugh at me! =X

Going out tmr~
Going to meet my auditon mates again.
I love them :)



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