Boring post. ^^

A poem to think about ;

Still, i keep looking in all places,
Where you are supposed to be.
But i never seem to find you,
And you're all i long to see.

I just can`t seem to understand,
What it was that changed your mind.
All this time i thought i knew you,
When really, i was blind.

But know that i do not hate you,
And i know i never will.
Because i cared about you then,
And i care about you still.

Even though you hurt me,
I can`'t seem to let you go.
But i will go on without you,
And i want to make sure you know.

It would take some time to mend,
The damage that you`ve done.
But broken hearts do heal,
That`s where strength comes from.

For now, the tears may be falling,
And my thoughts keep circling yo you.
But soon, things will get better,
If you have hope, then they always do.


It ended as abruptly as it began,
A brief message, then the final good-bye.
I sat silently in a daze for a moment.
Then reality sank in.
A friendly breakup of a far from perfect relationship, and yet it still hurt. A lot.
So then this is it,
This is the end.
What more can i say then?
I`ll miss you , my friend.


Just some random post. ^^
Dont mean anything.
Heh.Anyway today was another happy day.
I went to school dragging my feet. >.<

I was like dozing off even when sitting down and vienz and rachel was like.
wake up wake up. especially vienz. She keep shaking me. :P

Well, after school.
we ate ice cream ^^
Then i went home.

Played audi. >.<
Had loads of fun ^^


very mean right he. =.=

alright end blogging
Take care all.

Tomorrow`s my POA paper.


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