
A wish.
A fairytale.
Something we want. =D

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I am completly addicted to Kdramas.
I cant squeal enough on how hot the guys are and how MOST of the stories are heartbreakingly sad throughtout the series but never fails to end in a very high note.
Its a sophisticated and elaborate fairytale.
Goong starts out funny and slapstick ,
and then starts to build up the tension and drama in subsequent episodes.
I disliked the Crown Prince from the start.
He was arrogant, cold and stoic unlike our lovely and cheerful heroin.
My dislike of him persisted until the story turned after Yuls B-day.
Before said episode, I wanted our heroin to actually be with Yul,
who was kind and sweet and was, in my opnion,
a more appropriate match.
But the Crown Prince redeemed himself ,
and endeared him to my heart from that part of the story onwards.

The princess was well played by the actress.
She had the right amount of spunk and versatility.
I love both actors chemistry together, and Yul,
the third part of the Love Triangle was crazy.
He was heartbreakingly sad and valiant.
He bore his unrequited love wonderfully till the end.
I was sooo rooting for this character.
I was hoping a new character would show up just to be with him,
but Im happy that didnt happen.

I love the twists in the story.
Although it was somewhat predictable,
it was very enjoyable nonetheless.
I had hoped for a better ending for Yul,
but I think the drama was right to end it the way it did.

This only happens on tv.
Reality reeks far from the show.
Because it`s not gonna happen.



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