I`m tired. Dont know whats going in actually. I hate that feeling that dwells inside of me, ringing in my head and pounding so badly. Conscience told me to let go. But my heart cant. Am i too softhearted? Maybe, like what jackie said. He`s already yours. Dont think about anything else. But when i realise she`s still loving him after so long, i feel a little sad for her. I dont like to hear people cry. I hate it. Even though she`s no one related to me. But still. I know how she feels. And boy, i dont know what are you feeling. But whatever it is, i just want the best for you. Whatever you do, just follow your heart. Because you wont wanna regret it in future... It`s awkward to face someone that love the same person as you. But i`ve never believed in a love that is one sided. So whatever is... Haha. Anyways. School`s starting real soon. To Simei ITE peeps, 9am report to school. But i dont know where. And for april intake students : bring PE shirt for the orientation i think. LOL. Info from Andy Cheng Mun Ho. :D I`m going to miss you boy, when school starts.
Isit true when you said you wanna be with me.
Does the cuts on ur chest and hand prove anything?
& last of all. Do you love me.
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