Alone . Alone. Alone.

Went to school . Freaking tired. Was in a very very very very bad mood today! Didnt eat during lunch, just had ice cream, dessert and some sour plum. I felt like i`m about to vomit big time. Lmao, Not because im sick or whatever lahs. Its because whenever i`m moody i tend to feel that way. Didnt listen much during lesson.Was smsing and stuffingmyself with water and sour plum =/At the same time, resting my head on the table feeling so so miserable.I went home after business which we are not supposed to leave yet coz we have accounts later on. But had to skip it. Yuuki and Han Bin ( i think i got his name right this time) skipped accounts with me too. Good , die tgt. =/After everything, went to work at dhoby. Ohmygod, i`ve always thought is $7/h but i was so so wrong... because i have to be an invigilator in a private uni. If it`s a 3hr paper i get 34bucks. If its a 2hr paper, i get 24bucks. O.O omg. Not bad right? LOL. i did 3 hours each day on weds,thurs and sat aso got... Good good. Now i can earn extra income with just a few hours =x Oh, bout the previous post on the sms thing, wenbin and me is okay now, and btw, i think im sooooo childish at the previous post... Oh my god. I have to wear skinnies to school tmr because i left my skirt at my parent`s house when i visited her today. Another skirt very long, dont wanna fold it. LOOOL. shit sia. =_= Why would this even happen? And to flamers, please put ur name for identification purposes. x3 Miss my secondary school life, when everyone are friends. Instead of having different cliques in their own world...Sian. Oh, Gonna go out with my lover this sat after my work. She`s coming to find me. GOOD GOOD. ilu lah. Oh! Malay dance called me :) Practice on monday and tuesday! Trackpants? Kns, where to buy? I dont have trackpants... I wonder when is tennis gonna call me. And did i mention i decided to try out for the student council? Whatever right so many cca... =.= I told Kim cousin bout me joining student council, her first reaction, point at me and said, YOU? and she laughed. What was that suppose to mean?! Roar...
I miss the times when we were so perfect.
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