Not running away. Not gonna.

School`s okay today. Met andy, tay and andre at tampines interchange, Went to sch tgt. I never took a bus that had to Q all the way to mac loh. Omg =.= Sucky sia. But ohwells, got to sch and know quite a number of ppl even before school starts. Went to check my accounts class. Look for so long... Finally found la... My name is the last index number of QF. AND IM IN THE SAME CLASS AS ANDY! woohoo!. wont so lonely. LMAOLMAO. Sat beside each other at the audi. Took hell lotsa pictures. After that had lunch at a cafe. Western food. Went back to audi to hear them nag. lol. Went to the function room after tt to play break the ice game... Sometimes you can just tell if you can click with the person just by the looks. So yeah, thank god we had a clique to ourself. Includes Grace, Crystal, Xin sheng and of course, cannot pang seh andy :P So yeah! I think lockers gonna be issued real soon, and i really cant wait to share it with the 2 other girls. Yay. The talks and lectures at the audi are really boring. =.= 5 of us were not listening most of the time. I saw quite a couple of people in the school. I HATE LUNCH LA. you know its like. . =.= I SWEAR, its like so many people CLOGGING up the mirror and toilet can, PUT MAKE UP. lmao. andy waited for about half an hour for me. because the Q was freaking long. Ate at the cafe for lunch with andy. Totally bored and dun feel like blogging bout it . After school went tampines mall with grace. Met up with boy and sister met up with her friend. ;D Happy happy. I miss you so much boy! must be good in school ok? ILU! Gonna meet grace in the interchange at 8.50 tmr. Actually school`s starting at 9. But got the what, police talk. EW. LOL. so we`re gonna be a little late. Gonna blog about school on tues maybe next morning when i got the time. Pictures some other time. Too lazy.
♥ Sisters.
but still,
♥♥♥ Junjie.
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