Going Once,Going Twice,Gone!
Its killing me, right inside.
and you dont even know it, not now, not later, not forever. its friday! 1st day of pundeh jude`s brother, ian`s chalet. Dont know if i wanna go tmr, just to visit pundeh ♥ maybe, maybe, school`s gonna start, so many mixed feelings going through me. Dad reprimanded me. Told me off for choosing an ITE when i am eligable for poly. Cried so bad. Cause he mentioned that ITE is a bad school and all. But i already mady my choice, it cannot be changed. Because of dad, i went to carve a cross on my lap. Not gonna carve it on my hand because school`s starting. And yeah, i forgot to mention, i finally found out whats wrong with my face. Its the fucking foundation from missha. Its just a base la. But i forgot who bought it for me, on my birthday last year. And i realise, expired long ago. FUCK, so im actually putting expired foundation on my faceeeee? Heng i only use it on special occasions. & the last time i used it is on april`s fool. Clubbing. Anyway, i dont give a shit la. Gonna meet a couple of people for breakfast on monday. And going to school tmr de tmr de tmr. :) Okay, i DIDNT complain about anything & i dont care and wont care. i`m just reading out whatever is written. And i got no bad remarks. against you or so. Its not my means to control how a person react. So dont misunderstand. Anyways, Cher laopo and i was talking bout how me and junjie met. So i kinda thought i was like... bad la.
Here`s the story. Its long...
On 18-12-07 , i quarelled with my ex boyfriend, melvin.
And i wanted a breakup. (Said that in a fit of anger)
Was in a very bad mood.
Coincidently, when i was looking for xiaoyan, i went into a matchmaking room,
which i know nothing about. I didnt even know i was in one.
Talked to xiaoyan, jackie and konnichiwa there.
And a trade box appeared.
It`s 21loyalty. And he asked me if i wanna be his maple girlfriend.
Because i was angry at melvin, i said yes without hesitating.
I wanted to make melvin angry.
Then after we exchanged friendsters , logged off because there would be a xmas patch.
After patch done. I patched back with melvin and we celebrated at the tree tgt.
21loyalty logged in and i dont know what to do. It`s hard to juggle between 2 people.
I told myself i have to break off with 21loyalty in maple.
21loyalty wanted to meet me at the event map so i went to look for him.
And at that time i wanted to tell him i wanted a break in maple.
He was with celine aka babyLINE (;
When i was about to tell him.
He jumped into the cashshop and took quite awhile inside.
Me and Celine started chatting.
After sometime, 21loyalty came out.
And asked me to go to the cashshop.
I went in, and to my surprise, a couple ring.
I knew at that moment, im going to be in deep trouble.
He sent me the ring unexpectedly, and i dont know what to do.
Its abit cruel to break off with him after he sent that ring right?
So i told myself, a few days later i`ll break up with him.
So i juggled melvin and 21loyalty for about a week.
But melvin soon found out. so i had to part with 21loyalty.
I didnt wear the ring 21loyalty gave me.
I ran away from him. I avoided him.
But one day, melvin and me quarelled again.
I had no one to turn to in maple.
So at the point of time. 21loyalty looked for me.
I told him bout my relationship problems with melvin.
And he told me about his relationship problems with his gf too..
He told me his gf gave him attitude and such.
But i`ve always encouraged him to solve those problems.
Because at that time. When i saw his friendster pic, the pic whereby he carved his gf name.
I know that he loves her alot. & at that time, i have totally no feelings for him...
Time and time again i consoled him and told him to be nicer to her.
But the times we spent tgt were more often because melvin quarrels with me almost everyday.
Then as days past... he told me he fell for me literally.
And i swear i was like. ignoring that remark.
Then eventually after that he kept on saying it to me randomly.
So i finally told him. We`re impossible. Because i have a boyfriend and he has his girl.
I told him our relationship can only stay in maple, because i dont have any feelings for him.
And i told him to please focus on his gf. and i focus on mine.
Just one day, he gave me a comment on friendster, saying something like dar wo xiang ni?
And i replied his comment.
& thats when everything went wrong.
I blame myself for replying to that comment.
His gf and his friends were unhappy with me. So they commented in his friendster.
I didnt have a chance to reply to the comments in his friendster because i was out with melvin.
Not long later, he smsed me asking me to view his friendster.
I thought he changed his personal message or something.
but to my horror, they actually had a tiff in his friendster.
and its too late to salvage anything. Because the tiff ended on the same day too.
Felt guilty because i didnt like 21loyalty and further more, he`s only my maple boyfriend.
but i replied his friendster. i shouldnt have done it.
Which leads them to a breakup. After his breakup with her.
he kept confessing to me, about him falling for me, and dont mind waiting for me.
but i remembered i once told him, i will never be with him,
for i love my boyfriend, melvin.
Althought i had a little feelings for 21loyalty because he was always there for me.
I didnt dare to show it, mainly because i have a boyfriend and partially because im not sure about how i feel too.
So we were having a mundane online relationship.
But when i officially broke up with melvin on the 18-01-08.
it was our 1st month for me and 21loyalty in maple.
So i mega-ed. Happy 1st month in maple.
But after that we tend to meet up alot more in bunk and plaza sing.
actually i have a confession to make,
im went out with 21loyalty and friends even before the breakup.
( i know im like... wth...)
Hanging out really often after that...
Then... yeah loh.
End of story.
I know its a real long one.
and for anyone`s info, i dont complain.
I dont want a tiff with anyone either.
Completely waste of time and further more, not very nice.
Its better to have more friends right?

Here`s the story. Its long...
On 18-12-07 , i quarelled with my ex boyfriend, melvin.
And i wanted a breakup. (Said that in a fit of anger)
Was in a very bad mood.
Coincidently, when i was looking for xiaoyan, i went into a matchmaking room,
which i know nothing about. I didnt even know i was in one.
Talked to xiaoyan, jackie and konnichiwa there.
And a trade box appeared.
It`s 21loyalty. And he asked me if i wanna be his maple girlfriend.
Because i was angry at melvin, i said yes without hesitating.
I wanted to make melvin angry.
Then after we exchanged friendsters , logged off because there would be a xmas patch.
After patch done. I patched back with melvin and we celebrated at the tree tgt.
21loyalty logged in and i dont know what to do. It`s hard to juggle between 2 people.
I told myself i have to break off with 21loyalty in maple.
21loyalty wanted to meet me at the event map so i went to look for him.
And at that time i wanted to tell him i wanted a break in maple.
He was with celine aka babyLINE (;
When i was about to tell him.
He jumped into the cashshop and took quite awhile inside.
Me and Celine started chatting.
After sometime, 21loyalty came out.
And asked me to go to the cashshop.
I went in, and to my surprise, a couple ring.
I knew at that moment, im going to be in deep trouble.
He sent me the ring unexpectedly, and i dont know what to do.
Its abit cruel to break off with him after he sent that ring right?
So i told myself, a few days later i`ll break up with him.
So i juggled melvin and 21loyalty for about a week.
But melvin soon found out. so i had to part with 21loyalty.
I didnt wear the ring 21loyalty gave me.
I ran away from him. I avoided him.
But one day, melvin and me quarelled again.
I had no one to turn to in maple.
So at the point of time. 21loyalty looked for me.
I told him bout my relationship problems with melvin.
And he told me about his relationship problems with his gf too..
He told me his gf gave him attitude and such.
But i`ve always encouraged him to solve those problems.
Because at that time. When i saw his friendster pic, the pic whereby he carved his gf name.
I know that he loves her alot. & at that time, i have totally no feelings for him...
Time and time again i consoled him and told him to be nicer to her.
But the times we spent tgt were more often because melvin quarrels with me almost everyday.
Then as days past... he told me he fell for me literally.
And i swear i was like. ignoring that remark.
Then eventually after that he kept on saying it to me randomly.
So i finally told him. We`re impossible. Because i have a boyfriend and he has his girl.
I told him our relationship can only stay in maple, because i dont have any feelings for him.
And i told him to please focus on his gf. and i focus on mine.
Just one day, he gave me a comment on friendster, saying something like dar wo xiang ni?
And i replied his comment.
& thats when everything went wrong.
I blame myself for replying to that comment.
His gf and his friends were unhappy with me. So they commented in his friendster.
I didnt have a chance to reply to the comments in his friendster because i was out with melvin.
Not long later, he smsed me asking me to view his friendster.
I thought he changed his personal message or something.
but to my horror, they actually had a tiff in his friendster.
and its too late to salvage anything. Because the tiff ended on the same day too.
Felt guilty because i didnt like 21loyalty and further more, he`s only my maple boyfriend.
but i replied his friendster. i shouldnt have done it.
Which leads them to a breakup. After his breakup with her.
he kept confessing to me, about him falling for me, and dont mind waiting for me.
but i remembered i once told him, i will never be with him,
for i love my boyfriend, melvin.
Althought i had a little feelings for 21loyalty because he was always there for me.
I didnt dare to show it, mainly because i have a boyfriend and partially because im not sure about how i feel too.
So we were having a mundane online relationship.
But when i officially broke up with melvin on the 18-01-08.
it was our 1st month for me and 21loyalty in maple.
So i mega-ed. Happy 1st month in maple.
But after that we tend to meet up alot more in bunk and plaza sing.
actually i have a confession to make,
im went out with 21loyalty and friends even before the breakup.
( i know im like... wth...)
Hanging out really often after that...
Then... yeah loh.
End of story.
I know its a real long one.
and for anyone`s info, i dont complain.
I dont want a tiff with anyone either.
Completely waste of time and further more, not very nice.
Its better to have more friends right?
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