It`s hard to make decisions. When you just dont feel the same anymore, everything changes. :( Went to school today at 9.15 and met up grace andy and desmond... boarded the bus and met crystal. We were early! Lmao! Head to class and sat at my comp number. Wapiang, so freaking far la. Like damn lonely if i sit there, so i decided to sit beside that... Er. i dont know what`s that guy name. LOL. Same row luhs...Yuuki and his friends came after that and yuuki sat beside me. But he aint suppose to sit there also la. His stupid index is 34, he`s sitting at 39. He geigei one la, want sit with me. LOL! kidding kidding ;[ alrights. did powerpoint. and i swear yuuki so noisy la. keep talk to me. make me cant finish my project. SO IRRITATING RIGHT?! Yuuki didnt finish his powerpoint project too. LMAO. Talked alot of rubbish . went for lunch after that with grace and group. Head towards business room and sat at the last row, like what grace wanted la =x But again, i sat with yuuki the raindeer. =_= Talked alot of crap as usual. Then we ate kiamkiam and skittles. Omg la, kiamkiam is damn nice, duno why grace dont like it. Went for toilet break and when i came back. THAT YUUKI, walaos, search my bag and take out my notebook to read. SO ANNOYING RIGHT!? si yuuki. After business was accounts. Went to 4th floor, Have to sit in the front coz crystal cannot see. Went home after that with yuuki andy and desmond. Si andy, talk bout me behind my back to yuuki urhs! Yuuki told me via sms. LMAO! He`s not coming to school tomorrow because he`s sick, aw yuuki get well soon. Yuuki crap alot in the smses. What friday is freedom night and ask if im going out and blah blah. Didnt reply him after he said he`s gonna do some stuff. Anyway, Get well soon idiotic raindeer. :)
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