Run further little bird. Run further.

Weds! :D
Wore PE to school today.Not allowed to i heard. But heck la. :P Met grace and andy this morning around 7.50. Was suppose to meet them at 7.35 but i forgot to bring my wallet so i went back to get it. Arrived at class half an hour late and had our attendence marked. Computer applications was okay la. Simple techniques. :) After that went to have a simple break before the talk in the audi. After the talk went to eat lunch at cafe 2. :D Then went to take lessons after that. Sian de loh. Accounts is totally like teaching the basics. :) So damn sian. But ohwells. After school going to find my boy at MP ite. But boy sms me go to billard there take something from his friend. But when i was there waited for his friend or what. His friend didnt come. so i went to call boy. No reception so i went out to call... But when calling, suddenly saw him omfgZ! lmao. Haha! He sent me back home after that. :)

a quiz keo junior wan me to do ;)
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
26! :D
2. What I want the most now?
Teo JunJie to be with me now .
3. Who is the person you trust most?
Eh, myself.
4. Do you think u have enough confident?
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
To be super rich.
6. If you can have 1 more dream to come true, what would it be?
Everyone around me to be healthy
7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
8. How do you find yourself?
Cute. LMAO.
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I confess to my boyfriend all the time.
10. How would you spend the 200bucks if you have to?
=_= Eat.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your the other half?
Must be cute. and full of nonsense.
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
act chio. LMAO.
13. Do you cherish every single of your friendship?
14. Do you believe in God?
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
him .
16. Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend /girlfriend?
yes, if the boy`s him.
17. At this point of time, would you rather stay in your comfort zone or try something new?
18. What kind of friend you hope to be in your friends eyes?
adorable. LMAOLMAO. no la, maybe friendly? easy going?
19. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?
i love myself
20. If you are feeling low one day, who will you go to ?
21.8ppl currently on your mind.
1.Junjie Laogong
2.Grace sister.
3.Crystal sister.
4.Andy Cheng bro.
5. Yuuki. LMAO. =x
6.Bus driver xin sheng.
8. keo :) (the one who made me do this quiz)


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