Pictures For The Week

Great, lemme blog about today first!
today was okay! woke up at 6.45 LOL. freaking late.
So i quickly bathed and rushed down to meet andy and grace.
WHAT THE HELL LAH, they later than me LMAO.
so we all met up and sat the bus tgt...
Was about few mins late...Sat at the front row with crystal and .. ANDY AGAIN?! LMAO.
fuck it. tt meanie is gonna draw my book, heng he not left handed. LOL.
coz i was seated on his left. :)
Eh, yuuki didnt come. i was suppose to sit with him.
grrr. idiotic shit lah he. pon school until happy happy.
Get well soon lah. and faster come back sch, arif misses you!
later on went to the tele match. Walaos, i tell you arh, BUSINESS SCHOOL IS SO NOT ENTHU.
fuck it lah, all wanna act chio act cool dun wan support own school ppl.
DUMB LAH, put so much make up STEP ONE CHIO LOLS.
if you`re pretty dun need put make up also pretty one leh, diao.
because those people who sat beside us are girls, and they were practically ugly people with makeup,
and they listen to their mp3 or whatever while the telematch was ongoing.
Damn tulan.
Am not saying everyone who puts make up are ugly.
was saying AT THAT TIME, those who sat beside us, are ugly people with make up luhs :)
not referring to everyone in the sch!
Maybe because my personality is the enthu and hyper kinda thing.
So not shu nu lah, maybe thats why ...
Just damn angry, AND IM GLAD, my girlfriends are MY TYPE!
i knew it lah! supportive people. yay!. love them loads.
So we all cheered for our team even though no one was practically doing it.
Got so high when we won 1st on the overall telematch!
i`m starting to love school, every single bit, not because of the school work,
i tell you lah, accountings in ite is like in secondary school.
very easy for me because people who take POA have the basics. :D
so its damn boring in class...
after sch went to ps with grace deek(xinsheng) and crystal,
then boy was there with his friends, namely
Went to play pool with them and headed home.
we bought the same FBT shorts btw :D
I`m looking forward to see all of you on monday!
talked about almost everything to arif for hours on msn.
he told me bout his aus experiences and his girlfriend who was a dutch and another a hong konger,
he told me he was never interested in malay girls,
maybe coz he was mixed blood.
LIKE LOL! so funny!.
yuuki also talked to me, for awhile, and he went off to his another house.
and both houses are near each other, how weird.
he complained that his reindeer, aka raindeer nose was still there,
too bad yuuki, go squeeze it, not in front of me lah!
i dont want those juice squirting on me, EWWW.
he told me if i made fun of him again he`s gonna do that.
♥Crystal girlfriend ♥Grace sweetie.
and ♥QF.



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