You know, you have a problem.

I am extremely lethargic. I am sick of looking at pathetic tweets that concerns me but does not. (Contradicting huh?) I have a habit of not replying texts, not answer phone calls. EVERYONE who knows me well enough knows that. IT DRIVES THEM CRAZY. It drives my boyfriend crazy. It drives my family crazy. It drives my friends crazy. I have a tendency to put my phone on silent. Reason being, I always forget to switch it to normal mode after classes, thus the silencing. If I happen to read a message when i am busy, i will just have the mindset "I'll reply later when I am less busier" But i NEVER do, not because i do not want to, but its because I forget to. I am a forgetful person, people around me know that. It angers them. But I am busy almost all the time, often I receive text messages during school or during my work, and sometimes, at night when I am asleep.

In school, when I receive a text message, I will just read it and continue doing my school work, having the intention to reply during my break. During break, I will forget about the message entirely. Same goes for work.

If someone text-ed me when I was sleeping, I will see it when I wake up, but I am always in a rush for school so i will not reply because I will be literally running to the station and when I am in the train, I will totally forget about it. I know its my issue, but I do that to everyone. But sometimes, my phone is out. It depends, sometimes. I am busy with school, with competitions, with playing so many roles, with work, with managing my club/IG, with being in the council.

I never said it was difficult, but I didn't say it was easy as well.
I don't just sit there and wait for someone to text me, I am busy with my life.

I won't accept a random spoilt twat tweeting about how much I have changed, how I always do not reply messages. Close friends would understand, not act like a bitch when trying to prove she's better.

I am not the kind that will say nice things about someone just because he/she is my close friend. When there is something wrong with you. THERE IS. I don't deny that I HARDLY ever respond to messages or calls, but at least I also make it up by respond some time later LOL.

OHHH, And yes! Before I forget, when I do not like someone, I JUST DON'T. I'm not a pretentious person :) I don't try to get into EVERYONE's good books and act popular and shit like that.

This post is not meant to direct to anyone, it is meant to be a clarification and it is kind of sad that people are burning bridges. And i thought best friends are people who understands each other instead of starting the argument. But come to think of it, maybe people need to be reminded that they still love each other behind angry words. Because at least I will not hurt you like how others will.

PS ; And i really hate it when someone tries to be like me. Get your own character you asswipe.

Before i forget, if this post angers or upsets anyone, think about why they are feeling this way, is it because they were truly unjustified, or is it because they find the need to retaliate to prove their ego? Most people feel the latter :)


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