Chin up lazy bums!

School is back for RP students!!

Mad busy mad busy! Back to daily reflection journal, struggling to go to school on time, maintaining gpa and so much more! New classmates to meet, friends in the making and people to prove your judgmental skills wrong. Tomorrow is going to be the first day of my Semester 2. Semester 1 was not so bad, i enjoyed my classmates and their company and i will most probably never forget them. I will miss all my facilitators mainly Gilbert Wong and Chelsia Toon. I have finally shrugged Maths and Science off by passing well and not retaking it, goodbye for good!

New plans and new commitments in the school now, to excel as a leader in both the Council and as the president of an IG. Meetings to attend, seminars to crash, countless powerpoints and assignments to do. Am i putting too much on myself? I really want to make the best out of my school life.

I'm going to move to SengKang end of this month! Early Nov! No more late nights, no more random supper dates and no more stay overs. It is fine, for me, strangely. All these are no longer important to me. What is important now, is to make the best out of myself in school, be known and my path will set its own light. I can have all the freedom i want when i am older, when i have my own home, when i have my own family.

I miss all my friends mainly Edwiana and Denise. Best friends, but i haven't met them for more than a month! How can everything be so hectic that we don't have time for each other. Basically its because we all are studying 3 different thing and 3 different schools leading 3 different lives. Our timings always clash, most of the time 1 of the 3 of us cant make it, thus we cancelled the outing. Mad annoying, but I'm sure we're figure a way out.

Rushing a deadline for my cousin's wedding video which was done quite some time back but sony vegas decided to turn against me and thus the delay. Mad excited for her wedding okayy, i cant believe she's already going to start her own family already. Still remembering all the "talks" she gives me and how she was my room mate for awhile haahhaa. Man, i love that woman.

I need to get a weekend job, any recommendations?
I want more students to teach too!

Let me know if got lobang okay!?!

Meeting the CCC Clique for dinner after school!
Hungry like dog now. ;( Shouldnt even have talked about it.



I'm all out for gays and lesbians.
I believe in equal human rights.
Same goes for GENDER rights.


Ask me questions on formspring! :D
Dont ask lame things ley!


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