The week with no shows.

M for Monday and Marketing.

The day kicked started off pretty slowly and the class was dead half the time. The problem statement today was so dry my eyes were struggling to stay awake all the time during 3rd meeting. All the theories and boring non relevant stuff to learn. But i did quite well for the quiz though hahahah! Im a natural! NOT!

Attended the compulsory talk which no one else attended lol. No more FYP for us, but extended intern period, from the current 1 month to 18weeks of attachment :( I always hope i can work in a magazine company or something. PRAY HARD HAHAHA! Year 3 please come soon!!!

Speaking of which, i cant believe its october already! Semester 2 is underway and we are all going on to year 2 in a few months. I like the modules im learning now. Media Writing, Creative Concepts, New Media Communications, Cognitive Process, Marketing. Damn! Journalism, wait for me!

PS : Shows like Gossip Girl/Nikita wont be airing until next week :( Sad


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