Poot Poot.

Cognitive and the South park Kenny look alike Facilitator!

BORING! Cognitive used to be the module i looked forward to every single week in semester one. But why does this Cognitive II in semester 2 bores the hell out of me! I was sleeping during the 3rd meeting when each of the groups were presenting. Major guilty can! Class ended pretty late today. Mainly because the faci was blabbing non stop about nonsense.

Went to the Mr Benson Phua talk to be the moderator for the dialogue. Damn lame HAHAHA. Just sit on stage doing nothing and looking good HAHAHA. The talk was kinda useless because they didnt address the issue for how arts can strive in the future. I was LITERALLY falling asleep in front of the whole lecture theatre audience. I had to force my eyes to open and pretend im listening to Benson Phua LOL.

Fail fail fail fail fail. The talk ended pretty late and i didnt go get my measurements my cousins wedding. Went to Ikea for the tuesday's special meal thingy lolz. Okay laaaa, Oh the brayani is SUPER GOOD (Y) Madly in love with it.


They kinda suck, no longer the ones long ago :[


King of fooood!

Tomorrow, tomorrow. Hectic week!


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