
Pretty Sunday!

I woke up happy because i i had a good dream! Used up the whole morning editing my Cousin's montage! It was so much fun, not to forget, amusing to look at their photos when they were younger! Went over to katong to test out my dress! Not so bad laaa! Despite the fact that the boobs area... kinda spacious HAHAHA. ;( Sad life. Anyway i took a picture of it while in the changing room. What do you think? I'm wearing it on the following Saturday morning! :) Damn, im excited!

Mad long LOL, i feel urber short ;P

Went over to Toa Payoh to meet S! Tried jumping out from nowhere and i left him almost half dead HAHAHA! His face was epic!! :) Went to town to walk around and ate nonsense like ice cream and chicken wings and window shopped, ALOT! Saw so many pretty dresses but i ish poor girl :( So i can only SEE but not touch HAHAHA! Ate KFC for dinner (AGAIN) and then walked somemore, and went home :)!!!! Alot of walking today but i had fun!


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