Chomp away!

Went over to my cousin new house! Really damn nice! Red and white and black! Perfect! Slept there while waiting for my siblings to do their tuition. Lol. Trust me, i am feeling all weak and tired and shitty these few days cause i am sick. ._. AGAIN! I seriously have a weak immune system, and when my head hurts, i always feel that its because there's like a bug that went into my ear and is eating my brains. :( Anyway, i finally got my pay at night! Time for bills paying! :( Why am i so poor? Sian max ahahhaah!

Anyway, i went to chomp chomp for dinner!

Naise leh! (Y)


Chicken wings! (Dont really like it)


Super alot! :P

Went home and nua all the way! I should find a weekend job! Any intro?!

I'm going to find, another you.


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