Run as far as you can,

Cause in the end you're still gonna be back at square one.

We all take a break from reality once in awhile deciding to live in denial and trying hard not to face from the truth. To do that, one pretends to be happy and tries to make people believe they are, but in actual fact they are lying to no one, cause in the end it all comes down crashing and all beans would spill. Often we try to become better by directing our concentration somewhere else and assuming we moved on not realizing we're actually running away from ourselves. We hardly ever sit down and think what we really wanted and how to face the situation, we are only willing to list the millions methods to run away but never explored that the easiest and most direct way is answering to yourself.

You never stopped running. Not that i know of...

Dear god, please let Denise enter into TP and the course she really want, Edwiana to be less stressful on her FYP, Charisse to get into local U, Adeila to grow up pretty and smart, Adonia to get promotion many many(can treat me eat good good), 1st Aunt to get well soon, Brother to buck up, Sister to maintain, and lastly D to be successful in his appeal to retake.

Most importantly, please allow everyone in my life and the people around them to stay healthy.


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