The lulz.


Met the 3 of them at geylang as our plans to go marina barrage failed because they were late and it was already 9pm. So anyway, we went to geylang(again) to eat dimsum and fruits for dinner. I had a hard time eating because my jaw feels like its going to drop off any moment lulz. But still manage to eat porridge and charsiewcheongfan! :) Went to eat fruits at some random cheat money store! They ate the durain while i ate the papaya hahahahha. Durain so smelly, smells like chou toufu aka smelly toufu. But i think Durain smells better than Chou tofu sia. Erpp. Maybe cause Singaporeans got used to the durain smell already tsk tsk. I wanted to sell my Samsung jet at some random ah beng shop but i didnt bring usb... so didn't sell hahahah!
Stupid phone seriously a white elephant loh. Zzz. Anyway went home and they took the last train home while i took the bus...

Ahhhh. Meeting Daniel Kenneth Austin and all my old classmates @ MDIS on Monday. Hehehe! Lunch here i come!!!

Ps : I got fong moh aka hives ytd night when i sleep sia. Dunno isit because i dirty or what, maybe eat something then allergic lulz , DAMN ITCHY LALALALLLAA CANT SLEEP SIA. FML.


Edwiana and Sy with their durain

Us 3!

Attempt 1 failz.

Attempt 2 also failz.

Can you believe im going to have visual comms as one of my modules? AHHHH.
Photography FML!!!


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