
Today, I woke up at 4pm.
And slept at 6pm.
And woke up again at 10pm.

Lols. I have no idea why i am soooo tired.
Going to the dotor tomorrow.


Movies i watched this past month or so.

Young Victoria
8/10 About Queen Victoria and her throne of 20 years since she was 18. Like an autobiography.
Awesome & you will lean some history here hahaha.

The Hurt Locker
6/10 Oscar winner. About a team of specialist serving their "NS" in a war in iraq. Jason is a bomb specialist and was sent in to serve by disarming bombs and after serving his time, he goes back to USA but went back to Iraq again just because he likes to disarm bombs LOL.
So so only.

Alice In The Wonderland
4/10 In 3D, Disappointment, complete waste of time. Somehow identical with the book but the whole story is just boring and ...

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
8/10 Unique, But fuzzy. About this kid with special abilities to read ancient greek symbols and feels powerful anywhere near water, Later did he find out he was actually the son of some water god la. Forgot the name.
Good show.

Princess and the Frog
8/10 Disney old school hand-drawn production. About a commoner kissing the frog because she needed money. But turns out she became a frog herself but falls in love with the frog, who was a prince that was under some stupid spell.
Awesome twist.

Up in the air
4/10 About some business man who travels almost all his life and falls in love with a married woman whom he later found out was lying to him all this time.

Its Complicated

Sherlock Holmes
5/10 Boring. Its not as good as the book, And the actors are failz.

The Time Travellers Wife
5/10 Abit sad, the wife damn ke lian, make love halfway the guy also can disappear LOL.
But its really boring as well. So i dont care...

The Blind Side
8/10 Touching autobiography as well. Poor black boy saved by white woman and family and later on becomes part of family, and black boy becomes football star (Y). Touching. Im not being racist ok. Just telling you about the story.

The Spy Next Door
6/10 Jackie chan movie filmed in USA, his shows here and there also same one loh. ZZZ

PS : Gossip girl fans, gossip girl has started rolling back on track!
Airs in the US on monday 8pm. Singapore time Tues 8am.

PSS : 9O21O fans, 90210 is back as well!
Airs in the US on tuesday 8pm. Singapore time : Weds 8am.


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