Lets reflect

(Taken from some tumblr, i forgot whose, credit to them)
Since being sick is like a virus being a pain in your ass, accept the fact that i cant go out at all the next few days, first of all to get well, passing to others is only secondary worry (HAHA) Im a tad better now but im still getting giddy spells, hope they go away tomorrow when im out with Denise and Edwiana to marina barrage, celebrating earth hour. Heh sorry, earth hour is next next sat LULZ. Sorry marina barrage, see you next next sat! :P Hello iluma, here we come!
I should be on a plane now, on a plane to meet Tom. Nevermind.
How many times we make a mistake and then regret so deeply, hoping you never had done that in the first place. The countless time you wished that time could turn back and the chance to mend everything would be once made possible again. I had a dream. A dream so vivid. I was back when i was 15 and to think about it, it was a solid 4 years back. How many things i could have changed. How drastic the difference would be if i was given one more chance to make things right. The steps i made would be erased and once re written. How the ending would be clear and the paths that were once walked became a whole lot more wary to me than before. The amount of stress i would have forced myself into increases by then, to aim higher and achieve better rather than where i am now, unsure of anything at all. Its a pity all the talk about time machines and teleportation are all fiction, all imagined up by people like us, who regret, who hope to change their past and walk into a better future. The countless amount of friends that came and went by your life, how many do you actually want them to stay if you could change anything before the fight happen, or the misunderstanding struck? Maybe you listed out a couple of people you really missed and want things right between both of you, but are they really worth it? If they are, they would have stayed with you going through your regrets.
I love all my friends and family that are around me, the never ending support and advices, the assurance you all gave and contributed adds on to my confidence, the little things you do and give, proves me wrong that i was alone. Alone after i fell down, from being forced to face the truth of mankind. You were the hands that pulled me up from all odds. Thankyou.
Just when I almost gave up on my dreams, you took my by the hand.
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