
Hello daddy.
Im a good girl today. I spent my day at home sleeping and eating. The upcoming trip made me stayed home alot.(To save more money)How have you been up there? God taking care of you well? Have you been having fun making new friends and watching over us? I hope you didnt catch me smacking dorothy's butt D: Im tired but i couldnt go to sleep but i tried and also said good night to you. Maybe you could aid me in sleeping when im overseas? Dont wanna look like a panda you know! Silky's been a naughty girl too. She's been peeing all over! Please smack some sense into her! Thanks in advance haha!

Im going to rot and die soon. And its 5am now. I shall wait till school starts at 9am! And and be a zombie! And change money tooo! (Prays that the rate is uberly cheap) Also print out my tickets and my plans for the holiday week. I must sincerely thank Kambodia for the helpful plans he made for me. I passed the research to him so i did not even do a shit. He was FUCKING helpful. That word is a strong word and is only used for strong situations. So he was entirely doing everything. Like as though he's the one traveling. Also i really hate the feeling about lying to someone so dear to me. I want to tell the truth but i know the answer even without telling. So i rather keep it to myself now. Im so sorry i had to lie to you. Please understand that im in a rather tough position myself. *Slaps myself.

Received a message from one flowerpod user regarding my loss.
Sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart and sorry for your loss. Bless you too.

Psst : Maybe a little moodswing negatively reflects on how i see people around me. Stop changing blog links for fucking sake. Once or twice in your life is FINE. But all the time? C'mon. Dont waste your time and my time. OH PLUS, i just found out that breaking up is such a 2009 trend! But its also a year for more people to wake up and take a look at how society is like.

Oh haha and by the way, someone[Kaypoh beehoon] asked me if my video is a tribute to my ex boyfriend aka Junjie (Well he was with me for almost 1 year before he left for someone else!) Hmm. Actually when i did the video i didnt think about him at all. I was actually relating to my cousin Adonia most of the time. Except the part of the sunflower i stole that idea of our past relationship cause i got nothing better to think of! HAHA! And in actual fact, that song was my sister's blog song...She triggered me to do the video because also i had my new computer! Ask me if i hate him or still love him? Oddly nope.

Initially i was heartbroken. But eventually i came to realized that it was because im so used with him being in my life it was hard to adapt for the first few weeks! But now i hardly even think about him and even if i did, im pretty much neutral. I must say we had lovely times together and bad bad bad ass times together. Remembering that we actually fight almost 3/4 of the time HAHA insane! I cant believe i was like SO unreasonable. Haha. He have most probably forget this bad bad shitty ex girlfriend of his but i can safely say he was my 17 year old memory and would stay as it is! Im not emotionally or affectionately attached to him at all now because so many things happened and it made me come to prioritize my life at a better level. Haha. I did not ask about him neither did i checked on how he's doing. But im pretty sure he and his current girlfriend is happy and i hope they last for eternity. Haha From the bottom of my heart. Takecare, Lao teo. :D

Planning to backpack there alone next year birthday!
Because a good packing adventure would take A WHOLE MONTH!


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