Japan And Then Now, Singapore

A great thanks to Mishy for doing my blogskin!
She was awesomely nice! I happened to chanced on her blogskins page.
And i told her it was beautiful and to my surprised she offered to help me with mine!
She is soooooo nice i swear! She took like less than half a day to finish it.
If you guys want nice blogskins, please visit her blogskins page!
Its at the credits on the bottom of the side bars! Heee!
Thanks again!

Finally back to blogging.

Hello haters, friends, family and faithful readers. I apologize for not updating ever since my trip from Japan.Pictures are all uploaded on facebook. If you are interested or curious, you could drop by my facebook and view the photos. If you dont have my facebook account, you could either add me or ask me to show you the pictures on msn! :x I took a total for 1k photos but i wont torture you by putting them all here. Im just putting the pictures of my friends and a little message dedicated to them. If you want scenery or views of the districts in japan, Facebook please. I dont want to waste another 2 days uploading on blogger. God bless :x

My trip was awesome as i get to meet different people from different countries. I never regretted going and in fact, im quite addicted to the fact that travelling is fun. My days were full of laughter and dramas in japan and i had to resort to sneaking away from some people :x I can totally write a 10 page essay on my trip but i guess you guys wont be interested to know, anyway :P So i have already written the trip's events on a draft in my blog. So only me and myself could view it in years to come.

I sincerely thank everyone that wished me bon voyage 1 day before my birthday.
And deeply thank everyone that wished me hitting 18th.
May the love be with you! :P

Lets start with the trip pictures, Shall we? :)


Laure, Raph, Myself, Babara
It was awesome meeting you girls.
I would have been bored to death if you guys didnt appear!

Last night in japan. Hanging out with friends at KTV.
We're short of chris,coast,babara though.
(Laure and Oppa are hidden behind Florian :P)

Tall guy! Coast. Cool name right? He's from holland.
He's close to 2 metres tall and i feel like a dwarf beside him. Big time.

Chris! Funny funny guy, also from holland.
He never fails to crack you up, EVER.

Oppa, Laure, Raph, Myself at Odaiba Hot spring Mall. LOL
Its SO GOOOD. I want to go back there again.
But the temperature of the hot spring is unbearable.
Psst : We have to go in the bath butt naked. LOL!
(Diff genders diff bath rooms. Dont anyhow think)

Flo-Florian! Peterpan! From holland as well!
Thanks for the awesome evening.
It was one of the best evenings i had in tokyo.
Study hard and i'll see you soon!

LAUREEEE! Super lovable girl.
She's from Paris, France. 2 years older than i am!
The look on her face when she speaks english is soooo cute!
Like a little child struggling to speak! :P Love ya!

Raph! Crazy girl! Just like me i suppose!
She's from Paris, France as well! Never fail to cheer up with her around.
Drama queen and always up to the naughtiest trick around :P
I totally missed her after i left.

REDHEAD! I like calling him that because he's the only redhead in the group.
(Actually its because his name is so hard to pronounce)
He's an awesome friend and a good buddy!
I love talking to him because his english is like my chinese! LOL
He's from Paris, France as well! Heh
Romantic country seh! :x

Last but not least, my OPPA!
His name is Dennis hul LOL! But he's like a brother to me there.
Always say that im a kid. ZZZ He's only 2 years older.'
He's from America :P Viet-Chi-Amer mixed baby! LOL


Thats about it. Those are the people that hunged out with me.
There are more that hunged out together as well.
But not as close. So yeah i didnt put them in :P Oops.
They are not going to read this anyway.
So who cares! Heh.

Thats all for my japan trip. I dont wish to give details of my trip.
Im a lazy girl. So this blog has to stay lazy :P

After reaching singapore,
it took quite some time(2 days) to get used to the environment.
Im so used to speaking japanese basic language,
so used to seeing my friends every morning when i go to the lobby.
So used to taking the lift down. So used to getting up early.

So used to the massively hot weather in Japan.
(Im not kidding. They are 2 times hotter than SG)
Maybe due to the exposed areas, not alot of trees there anyway.

But now, fact is fact.
I dont belong in japan.
So im back in singapore.


On a side track, singapore is not that bad afterall.
The next day after i landed in singapore,
Denise asked me to go out on tuesday.
They surprised me with rachel's appearance.
Pissed me off for being late, and treated me dinner!
Awesome people they were.
As usual, Full pictures at facebook.

Playing some truth or dare game D:
Which denise lost 2 times and i lost in the last game.

:D Long hair people.


Thanks girls. Im so loved! :D

Shoties. For life.

We hunged out for abit and rachel had to rush home because of curfew.
I know, i love that shawl alot so i have been using it quite often.
Im always wearing different outfits even though im using the same accessory.
It was a great day. Thank you girls so much.


Had another mini outing with my other clique.
Bangsie gang - so they called it :P
Im messy bangs, Min's straight bags, Joel's side bangs, Marcus's thick bangs.
Gosh. My hair is seriously epicly messy D:
We had steamboat at some gross restaurant.
Which i give a thumbs down for it.
But i really appreciate them for looking for that place. LOL

Min lurbex took this. Kawaii right. LOL

Wa the height. Really quite nice sia . Short to tall. Almost same differences.

Kawaii style. LOL!

I loveeeee her!!!

Erp, that egg not mine, Joel's LOL!

Joel got me a book i picked at popular.
And received hell lotsa ribbon accessories from diva.
Ribbon girl liao loh. LOL! Thank you both for the awesome evening.

Im supposed to have a few more celebrations.
But i was tooo. Lazy. LOOOOOOL. Oh my god.

Cousins suppose to go out together to celebrate our belated.
But one of my xiaomau cousin is down with pig flu.
Haha who knows a cat also can get pig flu.
(I know its no laughing matter but she's getting well.. Sooo. :P)
Hope she gets well soon. Dinner postponed to next next week T.T

Ethel invited me to club on friday night at zouk.
But no interest so i asked ian and ter if they want to go with ethel.
They were both not free. So yeah :x We all didnt go.
Sorry Ethel! :D And good luck for the grid girls compy.

Was asked to go to Malaysia on friday night with jingwen jiejie and paul.
But i didnt want to cause im FUXING tired!
And no shops are opened.
They say they wanna like hang out and see ocean and seas and celebrate my birthday.
LOOOOOOOL WTF. I rather sleep. :X
So i told them some other time. Or in the afternoon or morning.
When the shops are all open. SO I CAN WALK WALK!!!!

Mae and Kamsy is suppose to go out with me on saturday.
But i was tired and lazy. T.T Im sorry.
I'll make it up next time. Promise
(I know i said it for over 10 times)


Upcoming events.

Jingwen jiejie is picking me up tomorrow night to go malaysia for abit.
For supper she said. D: I hope im not that tired.
Cause i promised her.

Meeting aunty for lunch on wednesday for some catching up.

Meeting darling Jolene for dinner at Astons.
Its been months since i last saw her.
Miss her miss her miss her.
Im so happy for her, that she found her love.
Found her love, found her husband, found her future.
And what about me. Now love is something i dont wish to talk about.
Or maybe never will.

White Tie Party at night with Debbie and some others!
Theme is WHITE! Awesome shit!
Cant wait to meet her and have some fun! :D


Eeeesh. I really want to get over and done with in school.
Be with the air crew, fly for 2 years.
And travel the world by 28.
Diana. Start saving up like a dog now!



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