
Mad busy this weekend.

Saturday ; Flames award.

It was quite cool as there was the red carpet, the "papparazi", the crazy instant photobooth, pop corns and a cute little registeration booth. Didnt stay for the after party , awww im such a good girl :D Went home and fell asleep after waiting for my family to come home. They went to the circus earlier and cant stop praising it lol hahaha. It was a great day and the reason why i had to sleep early was because i had to go to cineleisure to gather information for my article :( Peesh, i was suppose to go on the day the flames award is on as well, but i was too tired to shuffle between two places. :s

Sunday ; Information gathering.

Woke up so early just to head over to cineleisure for the event. Did lots of interviews and had so much fun acting like a journalist lulz. Had the information i needed and went home. Was in an extremely bad mood because the weather was being a bitch and everyone is pissing me off then. Slept super early, 9PM okay!! School excursion to the national museum tomorrow. Exciting hehe.


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