Play the right cards.


Love is not complicated. It is a simple feeling someone will feel towards a special being. It can come in many forms, just like how people can come in so many personalities. It can be expressed in many ways, be it a physical display or an emotional addition. It is mistaken as a game by many simply because there are usually more than just 2 players on the board. Love would have been a simple word to use if people would just keep to 2 cards.

Love has been made complicated by generations and generations, and the best thing is, we never realize that we're complicating it. Love is not a responsibility but a willingness, an urge to protect and ensure that your special being is happy and safe. It is not something that comes and go, not something we call a game.

We all know that feeling changes over time. Be it boredom, distractions, temptations, left with no choice etc. But the magical thing about love is, it never changes. It will only grow stronger, unless it is betrayed, it would be a whole new story. Forget about regrets, pain, memories, revenge about your past relationships. Think about it this way, maybe they never really loved you? For love is a life-time commitment, and if they are not able to commit now, what makes you think they are able to commit in future?

Treasure who you are with now.
For you never know what happens tomorrow.

Girls and Boys, choose your partners wisely.
Stay faithful yourself to be stayed faithful.

Wanted to write a little longer but i am extremely lazy. Toodles.


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