Tangles in your hair.

Happy Deepavali to all my indian friends!!
Purple packets for them to collect while visiting.
Sooo exciting right? :D

Went out with S on this public holiday and we caught the widely anticipated Adele!!

It was... okay.

Funny, but the whole show was practically about a girl obsessed with trying to save her sister.

Ate at the Hong Kong cafe!!! He had his gong zai noodle and i ate fried rice. Okay laaaa. So so only (Roll eyes) I seriously miss HK... :( Next time when i pay off all my debts then i go hahaha. Went to Daiso and we bought dog clothes for Silky, she is a happy girl! :D Bought umbrellas too! Hehe so cuteeee! Went home and that all for that dayyy! :)


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