Make them laugh!

Today started off terrible. My neck and shoulder area was... i dont know what word to use for it. Its just in pain and i can't exactly move it at all ); I just kept whining and venting it out at S. Poor boy... Sometimes i think im such as asshole to him. But he was kind enough to understand that i am in so much pain and he bought me panadol and yoko yoko. Speaking of yoko yoko brings back memories...Hahaha...Nevertheless, thank you my dear! :) I dragged myself to the cinema to watch HP since we bought it the day before.

Harry Potter 7 part 1 was a disappointment - again.

It was boring and totally different from the book just like how HP 6 was. Not going to be a spoiler for those who haven't watched it. I love Harry Potter, i just felt that they could have done better with this movie. But frankly, i cant wait for the last of the saga. I guess i just love watching the cast of HP in action over and over again (Y) Major heart for Emma Watson.

Went home and drowned myself in Glee, The Walking Dead, and 90210.

My weekly routine ;
Mondays ; The Walking Dead, Lost Girl
Tuesday Nights ; Gossip girl & 90210
Wednesday Nights ; Glee
Thursday Nights ; Hellcats
Friday Nights ; Nikita

Well, we do need some "chillout" time don't we? :)


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