We are all the same.

Its been so long.

Are you able to pick out the lies from the truths, to know the right from the wrong? Its funny how people create lies not knowing they had to come from many truths weaved together as one. We all live in a society that we can no longer differentiate the differences anymore. We're immune to masks and the faces behind them. We have admitted to fate. People don't change, you just don't know who they really are.

Like a couple of love stories and fairy-tales, we all fall in love not knowing we're actually heading towards a big lie. The catch about falling in love is, it makes you feel like you're in a fairytale story, where everything is perfect and romantic. Ironically, fairy-tales are not real. Just like any ordinary couple along the street. So happy but yet inside who know's what they are going through.

We pretend everything is fine when a problem arise as so to avoid the possible truth from coming true. The truth of which love is actually a lie people live in to feel happier. Its not impossible to live in truths. One option is to be alone until you're prepared to start living in lies. But the contradicting fact about this is that one wants to live in lies while living in truths, and one wants to live in truths while living in lies. :)

Perhaps its all too hard to catch.


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