Uniform day!

Okay, today is 12th may, E37L's uniform day!
I know some of you saw my facebook pictures earlier today and wondered why i am in Junyuan's school uniform! Here's the answer!

E37L decided to organize a uniform day where everyone wears something related to their past school! So all of us wore! (Some PE shirt, some CAMP shirt, some FORMAL uniform) This uniform day is only applicable to our class, so other class were quite shocked we were wearing uniform to school HAHAHA. We awesome or what? I know some of the people would be like, who the hell would wear uniform to poly sia? But we only have one life to live, do the craziest thing would be an addition to enjoyment points! I don't care what anyone think of us!

We took so many pictures but im only going to upload 2! :) Enjoy!!
And i love E37L!

Hat day next Wednesday! (19th May)
I'm getting really attached to my class. Hahaha.
Sem 2 please take your time to come! :)

Formal Shot!


Informal Shot!



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