Lets see.

My body clock is damn, punctual!
Waking up like 8am in the morning after sleeping at 2.30 last night!

To do list :
Buy new school bag, buy new sunblock, buy new flats, make time for friends study maths.

Lolz D: I need a new school bag because the current one is 1 year old and silky chews on it at times. ._. So annoying right.

Anyway, i bought this new sunblock 1 week ago and have been using it for this week of school. Its like those normal sunblock u see on the shelves la, white colour one, but the thing with this sunblock is that it doesnt set in until like, 3 hours later or something LOL. So it looks damn greasy and white when u just apply it. Failz or not u tell me? :(

I need new flats because i would not want to wear heels to school right? ._.

I need to start making time for all my friends, with school and after school activities, its hard to actually find time to hang out with my friends. No more time to date, no more time to hang out. Sucks, i know. Sometimes you feel too tired to even hang out in the weekend and would rather stay at home to watch movies or nua in bed. Right, no? Sorry to those i put aeroplane, its hard to actually predict when i would be free or when i would suddenly feel shitty and not want to go out. I hope you guys understand.

I need to study maths because its pulling down my grades. No point doing so well in the other modules when your maths is like shit. Oh my god, i needa do something about it. And i need to start now.


Catching up went wrong with BFFs but thank god BFFL was there to listen.

BBM-ed my Charisse bffl today for the longest time ever to talk about problems!
Its been so long! :) Love love you! Meet up soon nehxzxzx!
Working life must be damn shag for you!


Talked to 2 of my BFFs on msn today!
Although... it didnt go very well...

Its us, coming from all 3 different school and different courses, we start to feel the differences. Its hard to adapt to ones time table and we would have lesser and lesser topics to talk about because we can no longer talk about school. Edwiana's doing design, Denise doing business and myself doing Communications. We're of different platforms now. How we cant gossip about common friends and how we cannot share answers because we learn entirely different things right now. The different types of stress we all go through in school and not being able to share because we simply wont understand because we are not going through the same thing. Besides, Denise and Edwiana both have boyfriends from the same school and they have their own love life to handle...So yeah. Meeting out can be very difficult as our end times are horribly different. One at 6, another at 1 and mine at 4 most of the time. Its hard to comply when my school is at the west and one's at the east. Its changing, we're changing. But i really hope we can accept our differences and walk on.

So much to think about.


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