Moving on.

Life`s as usual.
Constantly auditioning was a plus in my life.
Oh man, why that game again.

but oh well. it kept me fully occupied and yes, my life got better.
Well but i promised myself not to play it after some time.
after i totally forgot him.

to all the friends that cared.
thank you.
all the pain that has inflicted on myself these few days.
were stupid.
i promise.
nothing of that sort will happen again.
Till then... :)

To junjie,
if you are reading.
i dont need your "time alone"
i dont need your lies anymore.
i dont need your love or care.
Just leave.
and dont.
ever come back.

thanks for all the gifts, the memories,
and the wonderful hugs and kisses.
but im tired.
im tired of putting in so much and not recieving any.
i believe our relationship was a happy one.
just alot of misunderstandings and too much lies.
but, think about it.
maybe im too protective about everything.
but have you ever thought why?
its becaused i loved you.
i have tried to give in and not bother so much.
but what about you.
lies and stories.
when i heard about it, i wasnt surprised.
its you. and you will never change.
good luck with ur next gf and dont ever hurt her.
like how u hurt me.
i thought i can change you.
but i cant, and i give up.
im not a good girlfriend.
but at least i tried.

maybe sometime down the road.
i`ll go like
"junjie? oh that guy i used to love so much"

but takecare, my boy.

I asked myself, am i going to regret this decision i made?
im sorry, no.
i`ve made the wrong decision once, and im not giving it a chance to happen again.
i am not, going to let this happen to me, anymore.

I`m tired of all the stories,
and all the insecureness.
do whatever you want.
just take care of urself , family and friends.

i dont need your cooling period.
when you want to break up, just tell me.
not go about saying "we need some time alone"
and then break silently? cmon thats old school.
i`ll just end it. like this , and with a smile.
how much love i`ve put in, is useless and wasted.

im glad i`ve woken up.

so loving someone with all your care makes the other party tired huh?
Sorry i dont need this kinda man.
Whatever happened has happened,
i`ll move on i believed you already did.

of course, i still love you, deeply.
but trust me, i will never ever contact you anymore,
like how you wanted it to happen.
it takes time to forget,
but i am willing to give that time to forget you.

your secrets are securely kept neatly with me.
and i believe you should know what to do too.
respect your ex girlfriend, respect me.
i love you once, and i loved you twice.
but for the third time, im sorry. it will never happen again.

But im glad that we ever met.
The story of nonsense and 21loyalty ever started.
the love that diana and junjie put in,
and so, im penning the ending down.

and it goes like this.

"the end"

ps: happy 8th month...
&, i`ll be the best you never had. :)
of course, i miss you, my friend.

i'll miss your smell, your smile
your oh so silly actions and voice
but goodbye, my love. goodbye.


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