Ley hoo?

For the last time im saying.
You just copied and paste my char's and my text designs on your stupid blog picture.
even though you changed the name and whatever shit,
you still took my base pictures.
how can u say i contribute peanuts when i did the base design AND the base codes.
if you didnt realise the base codes was from me.
i guess without my base codes your layout would be entirely different from mine.
PLUS, ur "drag" on the "a" is my picture and was from my photobucket as well.
how can you say that you didnt take anything and i didnt any fuck?
haha kyle. i dont care what you say to me and my friends or what you steal.
i dont give a fuck now, u understand? seriously you are just one childish kid with no moral and no sense of originality and you dont even feel for copyright. boo you :)
afterall, lets not argue with this KID , i shall say.
Denise let it go, call her manly or whatever you say, we dont even give a fuck to losers like you.
The fact is you took my base desings and codes, and the fact stays as it is.

Okay, lets not talk about that person with wonderful blog design in a jpg format. LERMAO? :)
anyway all, i decide to let it go.
its pointless if he still think he's right.

Yesterday was all about meeting liting.
Met andy, guoming and boy under his block.
went to meet liting at ps, then walk and eat and rot.
Then alot of stuff happened.
dun wanna mention about it.
but it was fun today.
besides the rain and me getting sick after that.
im tired,
i needa nap again...
lif`s so complicating.


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