Loong loong dayyyy.


Hello! Its 7am here on Sunday and i just got home!
Anyway let me recap on what happened earlier yesterday(Saturday)

Woke up at 9am, went to market and prepare ingredients and cook for my beloved aunt who is currently ill. Woah. To be honest, i never really cooked a proper meal before. Usually maggie mee and crappy junk hahaha. So yeah i cooked abalone porridge with pork lean meat! Very high in proteins!! Good for my aunt hahaha! Anyway the first attempt, i didnt stir the bottom and the whole thing "chao ta-ed" Lmao. Failz. So i rewash and recook. 2nd attempt, i sit beside the porridge watching it cook and stiring it every 3mins LOL! Crazy la. Cause i dont want it to burn again zzz Damn waste can!!! So yeah it was quite successful and i poured it in a container bringing it down to sengkang from redhill. Lmao :X

When i gave her my cooked porridge, i thought i damn zai la can. Then she open and say. WA SO DRY. LMAO. i swear it wasn't dry when i put it in. Damn.. :( Haiz. Nvm anyway she loved it and it feels really good seeing her enjoy what i did for her. Ate at her place and played with my niece adeila before going to meet Charisse, Pear and Zhu. Lmao!

Had steamboat for dinner before going for class. Me and Charisse bought friendship rings!! :D One that says "Best" & another that spells "Friends". I took the best because its in blue LMAO. ZZZ. Anyway, We walked around bugis street and did abit of catching up but had to leave as Charisse dad wants her home or something.

Myself and zhu gossiping?


Lmao mama lee.

Fruits and animals family portrait.

BEST FRIENDS! lmao the ring.

Was suppose to meet edwiana today but she had other plans and asked if i wanted come along. At first i said yes. But after a few mins i called her back and said no. But she came up with almost 100000 reasons to make me go and yeah, i did since i had nothing to do later on the night.

Met her after class, i was mentally tired, my hair was in a mess, i was warm like hell, and physically worn out. Took a train to chua chu kang and shiyi came to pick us up. Went up to his friend's place... Weiyang i think. Played abit of cards. Although i don't like to gamble, but its new year anyway, exception loh. (PS : I WON 2 DOLLARS CAN LOL!) There's this couple, bet like really high! Hahaha they are so cute! But in the end they loss because the banker had great luck. Stopped playing after i got quite tired and lazy to play lol. Went to MAC with edwiana to da bao macdonalds but we ate there because i was dead starving and about to die lol...Met CASSY HONEY coincidentally omfg. LMAO. HAHAHAHA. I Havnt seen her in years and all of a sudden i met her at CHUA CHU KANG MAC @ 4AM LOL. ZZZ. Crazy shit. Hahahaha. If i didnt go today i wouldnt have seen her! Prettier le wor honey! Love ya and stay strong!

Got back to the place and chatted for about 2 hours before heading home. They are all really nice people.

It was a long but fruitful day Hahahaha.

Babe and me!!! Lol dog face sia me.

Joyce and weiyang so sweet urh.



Yeah this 2 keep tag team and talk nonsense... Sai can :D

Did i mention my shirt was, NO BOYFRIEND, NO PROBLEM?


Arhhhh, my inner lips is pain like hell. Its like the skin peel or something because of the braces la. Arhhhhhh damn irritated... Dying soon lmao.


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