I would rather stand on firm ground than on a few levels of pretty paper.

I was actually not intending to blog about my day on thursday. But lance, being very annoying woke me up at 8.50 and still manage to ask why im still sleeping. My work only starts at 11.30. zzz. Anyway, since im up now and i got nothing much to do besides waiting for boyfriend to meet me at the void deck, which later on he called and told me he's running a fever and i made him go home instead of meeting me. :x i shall blog about yesterday!

Initially was supposed to attend work at 3pm but in the end went at 2pm cause something cropped up at Caslyn's household and she had to rush down. I was shocked when i received a call from Caslyn crying. I am really not good at words, sorry. I guess life is so fragile huh? ... :( I took over Caslyn's shift of working in the shoe shop. But seriously its my first time working there and i had a little difficulty adapting to the environment and the stocks. :D I was really a newbie despite working for 2 months in the same company.

(Psst: i just found this post in my drafts. Which explains why i didnt update, i forgot to publish!)


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